January 16, 2025 — The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Northern Shrimp Section approved for public comment, Draft Amendment 4 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Northern Shrimp. The Draft Amendment considers options for setting multi-year moratoria and implementing management triggers. Management trigger options include biologic and environmental triggers comprised of indicators that would signal improvement in stock conditions and the potential to re-open the fishery.
The Atlantic coastal states of Maine though Massachusetts have scheduled hearings to gather public input on Draft Amendment 4. Some hearings will be conducted in-person, and some hearings will be conducted via webinar. If you are unable to participate in your state’s scheduled hearing, you are welcome to participate in any of the virtual hearings. The public hearing details follow:
Date and Hearing Format
Tuesday, February 18
Webinar Hearing
5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Maine Dept. of Marine Resources
The webinar registration link is available here, and additional webinar instructions are below.
Thursday, February 20
Webinar Hearing
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
New Hampshire Fish and Game Dept. and Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries
The webinar registration link is available here, and additional webinar instructions are below.
Monday, February 24
In-person Hearing
5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Maine Dept. of Marine Resources
Hearing Location:
Lincoln County Regional Planning Commission
297 Bath Road
Wiscasset, Maine 04578
Tuesday, February 25
Webinar Hearing
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Maine Dept. of Marine Resources, New Hampshire Fish and Game Dept., and Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries
The webinar registration link is available here, and additional webinar instructions are below.
The last time a new plan amendment to the Northern Shrimp FMP was adopted was in 2017 (Amendment 3). Since then, the status of the northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) stock has remained unchanged with a depleted stock status and continued fishing moratorium. Given the poor condition of the stock, the Section supported initiation of a new plan amendment to consider several changes to the FMP including to the current management program requirement of annual specifications and addition of management triggers for stock monitoring. Through extending the specifications timeline, the Section may implement multi-year moratoria on harvest rather than meeting annually to implement a new moratorium for the following year. A management trigger for the stock could inform when a moratorium should be re-evaluated if improved stock conditions are evident, indicated through recruitment trends or changes in Gulf of Maine temperature.
Webinar Instructions
Please note that in order to comment during virtual webinar hearings you will need to use your computer or download the GoTo app for your phone. Those joining by phone only will be limited to listening to the presentation and will not be able to provide input. In those cases, you can send your comments to staff via email or US mail at any time during the public comment period. To attend the webinar in listen only mode, dial 631.992.3221 and enter access code 271-746-683. If you are unable to participate in your state’s scheduled hearing, you are welcome to participate in any of the virtual hearings.
For all virtual hearings, please click HERE and select the hearing(s) you plan to attend from the dropdown menu to register for a public hearing webinar. Hearings will be held via GoToWebinar, and you can join the webinar from your computer, tablet or smartphone. If you are new to GoToWebinar, you can download the software by (clicking here) or via the App store under GoTo. We recommend you register for the hearing well in advance of the hearing since GoToWebinar will provide you with a link to test your device’s compatibility with the webinar. If you find your device is not compatible, please contact the Commission at info@asmfc.org (subject line: GoToWebinar help) and we will try to get you connected. We also strongly encourage participants to use the computer voice over internet protocol (VoIP) so you can ask questions and provide input at the hearing.
Hearing Presentation Recording
For those who cannot attend any in-person or virtual hearings, the Commission will also post a recording of the hearing presentation on the Commission’s YouTube page so that stakeholders may watch the presentation and submit comment at any time during the comment process. This recording will be available by early February, with the recording link provided at https://asmfc.org/about-us/ public-input.
Submitting Comments
The Draft Amendment is available athttp://asmfc.org/files/ PublicInput/DraftAmd4_ ForPublicComment_Jan2025.pdf o r on the Commission’s Public Input webpage at https://asmfc.org/about-us/ public-input. All those interested in the management of northern shrimp are encouraged to provide input either by participating in public hearings, which may be conducted in-person or via webinar, or providing written comment. Public comment will be accepted until 11:59 PM (EST) on March 11, 2025 and should be sent to Chelsea Tuohy, FMP Coordinator, at 1050 N. Highland St., Suite 200 A-N, Arlington, Virginia 22201; or atcomments@asmfc.org (Subject line: Northern Shrimp Draft Amendment 4). For more information, please contact Chelsea Tuohy at ctuohy@asmfc.org.